All AStA meeting on 27.05.2024

We will meet in Seminarraum 3 & 4 at the Hörsaalzentrum in Poppelsdorf.


  1. Election of the speaker
  2. Election of the minute taker
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Financial motion of the Department of Culture and Student Initiatives: "Kulturticket-App"
  5. Introduction and election of members
  6. Reports from the departments
  7. Report from the presidency
  8. Motions
    • Department of political Education: "Änderung Finanzantrag Evke Rulffes"
    • 2. & 3. reading 2.Änderungsordnung AStA-GO
  9. Miscellaneous
    • Discussion resignation BIPoC*-Department
    • Protestcamp
    • AStA-Beitrag zum Campusfestival am 13.07.
    • AStA-Teilnahme am Prostseminar mit bonnFM und dem StW am 18.07.
    • AStA-Teilnahme an der 2. Kleidertauschbörse @Campo am 29. Mai