Office of the General Students' Committee (AStA) of the University of Bonn

The office deals with printing orders, organises leaflet distribution and posters, takes care of technical and organisational issues, procures technology for events, buys furniture, equipment and tools etc., carries out or arranges repairs, looks after the photocopiers and is the point of contact for everything that no one else feels responsible for.



Natalie Neumeister


Simone Kaldeborn

stlv. Geschäftsführerin

Stefan Schuster

Attendance Times

10:00 - 15:00


10:00 - 15:00


10:00 - 15:00


10:00 - 15:00


10:00 - 15:00



The AStA also distributes flyers and posters for student councils and student groups registered with the AStA, provided it still has free capacity. Appointments can be made by telephone. Leaflets must be handed in by 3.00 pm on the working day before the agreed distribution. Posters are always put up on Tuesday mornings. Posters must be handed in by 12.00 noon on the Monday before the agreed date. The earlier leaflets or posters are registered for distribution, the greater the chance that it will work.


Der AStA verleiht seine Geräte, sofern er sie nicht selber braucht, auch an Fachschaften und beim AStA registrierte studentische Gruppen. Es stehen folgende Geräte zur Verfügung: Videobeamer, Overheadprojektor, Stellwände, Kabeltrommeln u.a.. Je früher Ihr anfragt, desto größer ist die Chance, dass das gewünschte Gerät noch frei ist.

If you have any questions about the AStA departments, opening hours or anything else, you are welcome to call.

Student groups

  • Registration of student groups at the University of Bonn
  • Advice on founding a student group
  • Registration at the beginning of the semester (deadline: 10 April for the summer semester, 10 October for the winter semester) and new registrations (possible at any time)
  • Administration of student groups
  • Form for new registrations and feedback: see below

Lecture halls in the main building of the University of Bonn, seminar rooms in the Poppelsdorf Campus Lecture Centre

  • Allocation of lecture halls for events organised by the AStA, student councils and student groups (only possible during the lecture period!): Please send the completed application form, see below, by e-mail to
  • The following applies to all halls: Please leave on time. If an event in the main building is to last longer than 11 p.m., the "Smart Guard Protection GmbH" locking service must be ordered in advance and the room management informed.
  • Please send applications to or hand them in at least 14 days before the date of the event.
  • Application form: see below

Hörsäle im Hauptgebäude:

Seminarräume im Hörsaalzentrum Campus Poppelsdorf:
