Department for University Policy

Department for University Policy

Room 20, Endenicher Allee 17



Elena Jansen

Head of Department

Felix Blanke

Deputy Head of Department / Student Employees

Jolam Neumann


Rahel Schüssler

External Networking / fzs

Jolanda Weygandt

External Networking / fzs

Jonas Foemmel

External Networking / LAT

Roselina Hamsoro

Local Politics

Mathis Kock

Student Employees

Frida Reinfeld


Attendance Times

About the Department

Networking and Political Work

As “HoPo”, we network the AStA within the university, as well as regionally and nationally with other university policy committees and student bodies throughout Germany, in particular within the North Rhine-Westphalia Student Union (LAT NRW) and the Free Association of Student Unions (fzs e.V.).
We also deal with various local political issues, organize discussion and information events and work for you at the festival contre le racisme.

The state-wide student representative body (LAT)

The Department of University Politics represents the AStA of the University of Bonn and thus the student body of the University of Bonn externally and actively participates in the political discourse at state level, i.e. where decisions are made that directly affect us. Most ASten in NRW are now organized in the state-wide student representative body, Landes-ASten-Treffen NRW. There, we discuss current developments, work together on position papers and elect the LAT coordinators, who are heard as a student expert in the state parliament, for example.

The free association of student organizations (fzs e.V.)

The department and the AStA also have the opportunity to network and participate in political life at a national level: the freie zusammenschluss von student*innenschaften is a registered association that any student body can become a member of. Every year, it offers numerous seminars, networking meetings, working groups and other educational opportunities that are of great value for our university policy work. The fzs also provides all interested parties with material on a wide range of student issues, which can be obtained from us free of charge by any Bonn student.

Local Politics

Students make up over 10% of Bonn's population - in order to be able to represent the student voice in the city's local politics, the Department of University Politics has set up a local politics project unit. The aim is to develop the content of important local political issues for students and thus to develop public positions of the AStA (in the form of press releases, newspaper articles, interviews, etc.), which can then be represented to the city administration, the city council, the parliamentary groups there and other bodies. If you have a local political issue that is burning on your tongue - be it housing, public transport or something else - then contact us!

Reader on Fraternities and Sororities

As the Department for University Politics, we have produced a reader on the history of student fraternities in Germany and the fraternities in Bonn. Student fraternities advertise very cheap rooms. But caution is advised: Some of the fraternities, including in Bonn, have right-wing extremist members and connections to the right-wing scene. Also, almost all fraternities have a strict set of rules that must be followed unconditionally. In this reader, we want to explain the history and rituals of the fraternities and shed light on the links to right-wing extremists.

You can download the reader here. You can find a printed version in the AStA container.