General Assembly of International Students
Calling all international students!
You are cordially invited to the General Assembly of international students! At the General Assembly, head and staff of our Department will be elected. The Department advises international students and represents their interests in university and student politics.
Foreign students (exchange and degree students) and students who identify as international (e.g. through multiple nationalities or migration background) are eligible to vote. A quorum of 40 eligible voters is required.
The full proposed agenda:
1. Establishing the quorum
2. Election of the chair of the meeting
3. Election of the registrar
4. Election of the election committee
5. Election of the representative(s)
6. Election of the members of the Department
7. Discussion and voting on key work areas for the Department
8. Miscellaneous

General Assembly of International Students
Seminar room 3-4, Hörsaalzentrum Poppelsdorf (Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5)
Calling all international students!
You are cordially invited to the General Assembly of international students! At the General Assembly, head and staff of our Department will be elected. The Department advises international students and represents their interests in university and student politics.
Foreign students (exchange and degree students) and students who identify as international (e.g. through multiple nationalities or migration background) are eligible to vote. A quorum of 40 eligible voters is required.
The full proposed agenda:
1. Establishing the quorum
2. Election of the chair of the meeting
3. Election of the registrar
4. Election of the election committee
5. Election of the representative(s)
6. Election of the members of the Department
7. Discussion and voting on key work areas for the Department
8. Miscellaneous