General Assembly of the new AStA Department against Ableism on the Topics of Name and Logo


Lecture Hall VIII University Main Building

On the 15th of Juli this year the Assembly to fount the Department against Ableism of the AStA in Bonn´s University took place. The Student Parliament as well as the AStA itself confirmed the Election and we are now able to start working. Due to a lack of time and capacities, we were not able to properly
discuss the name of the anti-Ableism Department.

This is the reason why we call out to a new Assembly, so we can decide on the official name of the Department and brainstorm about the logo that will represent it.

Who is allowed to vote?

  • Disabled people
  • Chronically ill people
  • Mentally ill/ Mad people
  • Deaf people
  • Other people or groups who experience Ableism
  • No proof of disability is required.
    To take part on the voting process Foto-ID and current enrollment ID are needed.