General Assembly of the new AStA Department against Ableism on the Topics of Name and Logo


Seminarraum 3/4 Hörsaalzentrum Campus Poppelsdorf Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 5, 53115 Bonn

On the 15th of Juli this year the Assembly to fount the Department against Ableism of the AStA in Bonn´s University took place. The Student Parliament as well as the AStA itself confirmed the Election and we are now able to start working. Due to a lack of time and capacities, we were not able to properly
discuss the name of the anti-Ableism Department.

This is the reason why we call out to a new Assembly, so we can decide on the official name of the Department and brainstorm about the logo that will represent it.

Who is allowed to vote?

  • Disabled people
  • Chronically ill people
  • Mentally ill/ Mad people
  • Deaf people
  • Other people or groups who experience Ableism
  • No proof of disability is required.
    To take part on the voting process Foto-ID and current enrollment ID are needed.