BAföG (Federal Education and Training Assistance Act) is intended to financially support students whose parents cannot (sufficiently) finance their studies.


Endenicher Allee 19 - Container / Zimmer 7



Karima Badr

Attendance Times

11:00 - 13:00


13:00 - 15:00


What is the maximum BAföG rate and what does it consist of?

Living with parents Not living with parents
Basic needs475 €475 €
Flat-rate housing allowance59 €380 €
BAföG maximum rate without health and long-term care insurance 534 €855 €
BAföG maximum rate with health and long-term care insurance671 €992 €

Very few students receive the maximum BAföG rate. Some are not entitled to all components, and for most, deductions are made, particularly on the basis of parental income (in the case of parent-dependent BAföG).

Supplement for health and long-term care insurance:

The supplement for health and long-term care insurance is only available if you are liable to pay contributions yourself. In most cases, students are still covered by family insurance.

Childcare supplement:

If you are entitled to BAföG and look after one or more of your own children, you will also receive a childcare supplement of €160 per child under the age of 14.

Semester abroad/study abroad supplement:

For a semester (or study) abroad eligible for BAföG funding, there are supplements for studying abroad.


Only those who are married, have children or have to pay school fees/tuition fees receive additional allowances.

Citizen's allowance:

If you live with your parents, receive BAföG or only do not receive it because no funding amount remains after income and/or assets have been taken into account, you can apply for citizen's allowance if you are in need of assistance.


BAföGdigital: FAQ

BAföG forms as PDF

Important: All information on this page is subject to change!

You can ask urgent questions here:

BAföG-Zentrale, phone: 0228 73 84816
Mon - Tue 10.00 - 12.00 & 13.00 - 15.00 h
Fri 10.00 - 13.00 h
Lennéstraße 3
53113 Bonn
You can go there or give a call.

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung/Federal Ministry of Education and Research
for free: BAföG-Hotline, phone: 0800 223 63 41
Mon - Tue 8.00 - 18.00 h
Fri 8.00 - 16.30 h