The Semester Ticket Committee is responsible for processing applications for reimbursement of the mobility fee (semester ticket) together with the administrative department.
Questions about the current status of processing can sadly not be
answered. If you have any questions about applications from more than one
semester ago, we will try to come back to you as soon as possible.
The processing period always lasts until the end of the semester. Please avoid asking about the processing status before the end of the semester.
Please use your university e-mail address when contacting us by e-mail.
(Except after you have exmatriculated).
The most important things at a glance:
Applications are generally possible in the following cases:
Severe disability
Study-related stay outside the contract area
Stay outside the contract area for urgent family reasons
an existing job ticket
delayed enrollment
Important change for summer semester 25 for applications for inter-semester
stays abroad:
From the summer semester 2025, an application must be submitted by the
normal application deadline for each semester in which the stay abroad
lasts. Das hat mit der Abrechnung mit den Stadtwerken Bonn zu tun. The 3-month
rule as a minimum application period still applies across semesters, so please
mention this in your application.
All Changes:
Changes SST
(German only)
In all other cases, this must be explicitly justified. For the exact regulations, please refer to the statutes for the reimbursement of the mobility fee for the semester ticket (Semesterticket Satzung - SST), which are specified in the procedural guidelines for handling the semester ticket statutes (Verfahrensrichtlinie zur Handhabung der SST - VerfRLSST). If you have any questions, please take a look at our FAQ below.
Application deadlines:
The application deadline is the 10th day of the 2nd month of each semester, i.e. November 10 in the winter semester and May 10 in the summer semester.
Applications can only be submitted for the current semester (exceptions are semester-spanning stays outside the contract area).
Notes on submitting an application:
All application documents can be found at the bottom of the page.
In any case, you must fill out the main application form for the reimbursement of the mobility fee.
Please note the relevant supporting documents that you must submit with your application. There is another list at the end of the main application form.
Submit your application as completely as possible. Subsequent requests always lead to an extension of the application processing time.
A minimum period of 3 months applies for semester-spanning applications.
FAQ - Frequently asked Questions
How much is the semester ticket fee? How much can I get back?
The semester ticket fee is only part of the social contribution, currently it is approx. 176.40 € per semester. You can find the exact amount for each semester on the website of the Finance Department. This is the maximum amount the committee can refund. The Finance Department explains what else is paid from the social fee on its website.
When can I get the semester ticket fee refunded?
There are a number of regulated reasons, these are in particular
Indigence (formerly social hardship cases)
Existing possibility of use due to severe disability
Study-related stay outside the contract area ( min. 3 months)
Stay outside the contract area due to a championship
Thesis/PhD outside the contract area
Stay outside the contract area for urgent family reasons
Existing job ticket valid in the entire contract area
Exmatriculation during the semester1
Enrollment through no fault of your own only after the start of the semester1
------------------------------------ 1 Pro rata refund for the non-matriculated period.
Other reasons for application must be particularly well explained. The committee decides on a case-by-case basis whether the semester ticket fee will be refunded. Pregnancy/childcare alone is not a regulated reason for application.
What is indigence?
Indigence (formerly social hardship) applies to students in an acute or persistent financially difficult situation. The limit is based on the basic needs of BAföG recipients. Anyone who has less than 90% of this basic requirement per month (currently less than €384.30) can expect a full refund. To calculate this, all income is added together and the warm rent (maximum €385) and self-paid health insurance costs are deducted. Further costs can be deducted in individual cases. If you have children of your own, further items can be taken into account (e.g. childcare costs).
Can I apply for a refund if I do without the semester ticket or do not use it?
No. The semester ticket is only so cheap because it is a solidarity ticket and is compulsory for all students. A refund is therefore only possible in cases where there are important reasons for not using it (see above).
The application deadline is November 10th in the winter semester and May 10th in the summer semester. The committee may reject applications that are late through the student's own fault.
Can I submit applications online?
No. However, applications that are first printed out, then signed and scanned and then sent as a PDF by e-mail are possible.
Who do I send my application to?
You can send applications preferably by PDF to Attach all important forms and documents to the e-mail.
In legitimate cases, paper applications can be sent by post to:
Semesterticket-Rückerstattung c/o AStA der Uni Bonn Endenicher Allee 19 - Container 53115 Bonn Germany
You can also drop them in the red AStA mailbox in front of the entrance.
What happens if my application is incomplete?
The semester ticket committee or its clerk will contact you and request any missing documents.
Who makes the decision on my application?
Applications are decided by the semester ticket committee or the administrator.
On what basis will a decision be made on my application?
The basis for this is the statute on the reimbursement of the mobility fee for the semester ticket (Semesterticket Satzung - SST), specified by the procedural guidelines for handling the semester ticket statute (Verfahrensrichtlinie zur Handhabung der SST - VerfRLSST).
These regulate all the bases for decision-making, the necessary evidence and the processing of data. For details on the application process, special regulations and the like, please take a look at these guidelines. The SST is discussed and decided on by the student parliament, the VerfRLSST is issued by the semester ticket committee itself.
I haven't heard anything for a long time. How long will the decision take?
A few hundred applications are received each semester, so the decision can take until the end of the semester. As soon as the application has been decided, a notification will be sent. If any documents are missing from the application, we will contact you. Unfortunately, we are unable to inform you of the interim processing status.
I am unhappy with the decision on my application. What can I do?
The committee will be happy to answer any questions about the decision at Of course, you can also file an appeal against the decision. More information on this can be found in the information on legal remedies on the decision.
What is the semester ticket and what can I do with it?
With the semester ticket, local public transport can be used free of charge. The validity area and regulations of the Deutschland-Ticket currently apply. It is automatically included in your student ID card, except in the case of certain leaves of absence. The AStA mobility officer will answer any further questions you may have on this page.
What is the committee for the semester ticket?
The committee is a body of the student parliament. It or its clerk decides on the reimbursement of the semester ticket fee when students apply for it.
What is meant by the term "contract territory"?
The SST and VerfRLSST (see "On what basis will a decision be made on my application") define the contract area as the area of validity of the current ticket. Since the introduction of the Deutschland-Semesterticket, this has been the entire federal territory and individual border regions.